When Do I Need a Lawyer for My Personal Injury Claim?

By Stewart Law Offices
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If you have been injured at the hands of someone else, you are faced with many decisions. One of these decisions is whether or not you should hire a personal injury lawyer to handle your claim. While you might shy away from an attorney due to their fees, having professional legal representation can help you secure more money than you would on your own.

You should strongly consider hiring an attorney if any of these factors apply to you:

  • Severe Injuries
    The severity of your injuries can be quantified by the type of injury you sustain, how long it takes you to recover, and the total cost of your medical bills. The more severe your claim, the more resistance you will face from the at-fault party’s insurance company. A personal injury lawyer is familiar with the laws, regulations, and procedures, and can help level the playing field against the insurance company’s team of corporate lawyers.
  • Disputed Liability
    Sometimes, the other party will contest fault, claiming they were not responsible for the accident. In disputed liability cases, the need for legal representation becomes even more pressing. If you cannot prove their fault, you will lose your case and settle for nothing.
  • Refusal to Pay
    It’s the job of an insurance adjuster to minimize your payout. Oftentimes, this leads to lowball settlement offers for a fraction of what you are actually entitled to. To make matters worse, insurance companies will use stalling tactics, letting your medical bills and lost wages accumulate to the point where you accept their lowball offer out of sheer desperation.

Don’t settle for anything less than you deserve. If you are filing a personal injury claim in North Carolina or South Carolina, let the lawyers at Stewart Law Offices represent you. Contact us online to get started with a free consultation, or call (866) 783-9278.

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Getting in any kind of accident can change your life. We understand the stress, the medical bills, the time missed from work, and the pain and suffering that comes with serious injuries. That is why our dedicated personal injury lawyers in the Carolinas are here to help you move forward.