The Psychological Impact of Dog Bites on Victims

By Stewart Law Offices
Tell Us Your Story
dog standing beside owner on a leash

To many, dogs are more than just pets – they are treasured members of their families. However, an untrained or aggressive dog can pose a serious hazard to others. Dog bites can lead to severe injuries, not all of which are physical in nature. Dog bite trauma can leave a victim mentally scarred and affect their ability to enjoy life.

If you have sustained severe psychological trauma due to dog attack injuries, you may be able to sue the responsible party for pain and suffering.

How Can a Dog Bite Affect Someone Psychologically

After the initial shock and physical pain of a dog bite wear off, many people report changes to their psychology and behavior, such as:

  • Reliving the experience of the attack, which can cause severe anxiety and depression
  • An intense and lasting fear of dogs
  • Poor self-esteem and confidence stemming from disfigurement caused by a dog bite attack
  • Disability and pain from a dog bite injury, which can leave a victim unable to engage in activities they enjoy
  • PTSD from a dog attack, which can cause panic attacks, vivid nightmares, depression, and mood swings

Injury victims can pursue compensation for these kinds of intangible, non-economic losses as well as compensation for economic harm, such as medical bills or lost income.

Psychological Impact of Dog Bites on Children

More than 50 percent of dog bite victims of children, and nearly a quarter of child dog bite victims require emergency treatment, according to Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh. By comparison, 12 percent of adult victims need emergency care. Children are at particular risk of bites to the face, head, or neck.

Moreover, children are also more likely to suffer psychological dog bite effects due to an attack. A review in the journal BMJ Paediatrics Open estimates that nearly 70 percent of children who sustain dog bite injuries develop clinical symptoms of PTSD and pronounced dog phobia.

Stewart Law Offices Fights for Financial Compensation for Dog Bite Victims

Dog bites can cause lasting physical and mental damage, and owners are often responsible for paying for the harm their pets cause. Stewart Law Offices has over a quarter-century of experience advocating for the injured and recovering compensation for our clients. We can file a dog bite injury claim for your losses, including:

  • Emergency medical bills and continuing medical expenses
  • Lost income from being unable to work
  • Diminished work capacity from disability
  • Pain and suffering
  • Scarring or disfigurement
  • Mental anguish
  • Loss of life enjoyment

We are available 24/7 to discuss your case and won’t charge a fee unless we win a settlement or award. Our compassionate attorneys understand the impact an injury can make on your life and can fight for the compensation you deserve.

Contact Stewart Law Offices online or call us today for a free, no-obligation case consultation with a North & South Carolina dog bite lawyer.

Getting in any kind of accident can change your life. We understand the stress, the medical bills, the time missed from work, and the pain and suffering that comes with serious injuries. That is why our dedicated personal injury lawyers in the Carolinas are here to help you move forward.